Anti-Fraud Policy

We take the most serious view of any attempt to commit fraud members of staff, volunteers, contractors, their employees and agents acting on behalf of the Charity, and others (whether internal or external to our organisation). Staff involved in fraud of any kind will be subject to disciplinary action, including prosecution, if appropriate. The Charity treats attempted fraud as seriously as accomplished fraud.

For more information read our Anti-Fraud Policy (PDF).

Complaints Policy

We understand that things can go wrong sometimes. If you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service, we would like to know. Our aim is to deal with any problems quickly and efficiently.

Read our Complaints and Feedback Policy and visit our complaints and feedback page to find out how to make a complaint or give feedback.

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy statement

Diversity and inclusion matters to us. It’s written into the values that guide our behaviour and the principles that guide our decisions.

We want to harness the value and diversity that everyone brings to help deliver our goals, recognising and promoting everyone’s individuality with kindness. We want to make sure that we all understand the strength that diversity brings to all areas of our work – including both people who work for us and with us.

Our policy sets out what you can expect from the charity and the actions you need to take if you think that we’re not following the law or meeting our promises.

The policy applies to anyone interacting with our charity, including our beneficiaries, supporters and our people – our staff and volunteers.

For more information, read our equality, diversity and inclusion policy (PDF).

Ethical and Responsible Investment Policy

We are guided in all our decisions and actions by our organisational values and strategic principles. This Ethical and Responsible Investment Policy forms part of our wider Ethical Policy.

For more information, read our Ethical and Responsible Investment Policy (PDF).

Ethical Policy

We want to deliver high-quality support, providing a great experience and service.

Our Ethical Policy (PDF) covers our approach to fundraising,  provides a framework to guide how we work, and make decisions in an ethical and socially responsible way. The policy is underpinned by our charity's values and strategic principles. 

Ex Gratia Payments Policy

Charities may not expend funds other than in accordance with their charitable objects and governing document. However, ex gratia payments can be made with the express permission of the Charity Commission. The Charity Commission guidance also allows charities to make small ex gratia payment without Charity Commission consent if the costs of applying for consent would be disproportionate to the amount involved.

For more information read our Ex Gratia Payments Policy (PDF).

Gambling Policy

We are committed to promoting socially-responsible playing and protecting children and potentially vulnerable adults from harm or exploitation by gambling. 

For more information read our Gambling Policies page and our Gambling Social Responsibility Policy (PDF).

Gift Acceptance and Refusal Policy

Our Trustees must always act in the best interests of the charity and its beneficiaries. As part of this, they must generally seek to maximise the Charity’s income from fundraising. All donations offered must be accepted unless exceptional circumstances apply. These reasons are: funds that have been illegally acquired, where accepting the donation would be against our charitable objectives or it can be proved that accepting the donation would prevent raising a larger sum from other sources. 

For more information read our Gift Acceptance and Refusal Policy (PDF).

Health and Safety Policy

The Stroke Association is committed to ensuring the safety of all its employees, volunteers, service users, visitors, contractors, participants at Stroke Association led events and any other persons who may be affected by the organisation’s activities by ensuring all that is reasonably practicable is done to; where possible, eliminate risks or reduce risks of harm and injury to health and wellbeing to an acceptable level. 

For more information read our Health and Safety Policy (PDF).

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and will take great care to hold your personal information securely. We are committed to protecting your personal information and to being transparent about the information we hold about you. 

Read our Privacy Policy for how we keep your personal information safe, for information about your rights and how the law protects you.

Procurement Policy

We are committed to working with only the best suppliers of goods, services or work who will represent our brand and ethics appropriately. Effective procurement of goods and services is crucial to achieving value for money and essential to providing a high-quality service to our supporters and beneficiaries.  

Our Procurement Policy (PDF) sets our framework for procurement decisions.

Safeguarding policy statement

We have two Safeguarding Policies. The purpose of our policies is to outline the principles underpinning safeguarding adults and children at the Stroke Association. It clarifies the roles and responsibilities of our trustees, managers, staff and volunteers when faced with suspected safeguarding concerns or inadequate care of an individual. Our policies define safeguarding in detail, outline legislation and set out the procedure to be followed if abuse of an adult or child is suspected.

In all cases where a child or an adult at risk is believed to have been abused or suffered neglect or is at risk of being so, it’s our policy is to share relevant information with appropriate professionals and agencies.

The policy and procedures have been developed to:

  • Prevent and reduce the incidence of abuse;
  • Increase awareness of issues concerning the abuse of adults, children and young people;
  • Provide a process if issues of concern are disclosed or discovered;
  • Improve the quality of life and protection of people with whom we work.
  • Protect people from harm
  • Make sure people can raise safeguarding concerns
  • Handle allegations or incidents
  • Report to the relevant authorities

In addition to this policy, we have a framework of policies which are complementary and support the Safeguarding Policies to ensure the safety of service users, staff and volunteers.

Whistleblowing Policy

We are committed to dealing responsibly, openly and professionally with all genuine concerns staff and volunteers may have about any wrongdoing or malpractice at our charity.

Staff and volunteers will often be the first to realise that something is wrong within their organisation, the Stroke Association being no exception. We understand that things can go wrong. If they do, we want to know, so we can address any weaknesses identified.

For more information read our Whistleblowing Policy (PDF).
