Visit to the Milestones Museum, Basingstoke

26 May 2016

On Thursday 26th May the Stroke Support group were entertained with a visit to the Milestones Museum, Basingstoke. The transport arrangements worked well and reassuringly we all turned up at the same time to make out way around this interesting museum featuring local history showing life in the pre war period.  Some of us found reminders of our childhood, though the majority were enthralled by past ingenuity demonstrating that Andover and Basingstoke were the centre of the 'white heat of technology' at that time.

Popular features of the museum display were the old gaming machines, much loved of fairgrounds, steam engines and skills with metal working. For some the 'old pub' caught their attention and were observed having a tipple. The group made their way steadfastly through the exhibits and after a light lunch assembled for photographs to show members of our Support Group who were unable to join us and enjoy the day.

Milestones Museum
Leisure Park
RG22 6PG
United Kingdom