Performing at Wythenshawe Hospital

On Monday, 8 July 2019, the choir visited Wythenshawe Hospital to perform to patients, staff and families on their Stroke Ward. 

This performance, and our performance at Manchester Royal Infirmary, were both part of the choir's ongoing project to sing at as many Stroke units around Manchester as possible. This project was funded by Forever Manchester's 247 People Fund.

A four panel image of people from the North West Community Stroke Choir performing at Wythenshawe Hospital

The aim of these performances is to encourage people to join the choir, as well as being ambassadors for life after stroke. We have more performances planned over the next 6 months, so we might be coming to a hospital near you!

A big thank you to everyone at Wythenshawe Hospital for allowing us in to sing, despite there being very little space on the ward and them being very busy. We are very grateful you managed to squeeze us in!

Published 11/09/2019